
Antibiotic –Zone -Reader

Making a precise inhibition zone measurement (100 µm resolution) manually can be
challenging. The Biogenix Systems helps to perform this in a simple and precise fashion
while avoiding parallax errors in readings. Pharmaceutical and clinical labs involved in
inhibition zone measurements benefit from the use of this device. A precision rotating
wheel accurately measures inhibition zones while being manually spun. This comes in
handy in antibiotic susceptibility testing and antibiotic potency measurements.

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Making a precise inhibition zone measurement (100 µm resolution) manually can be
challenging. The Biogenix Systems helps to perform this in a simple and precise fashion
while avoiding parallax errors in readings. Pharmaceutical and clinical labs involved in
inhibition zone measurements benefit from the use of this device. A precision rotating
wheel accurately measures inhibition zones while being manually spun. This comes in
handy in antibiotic susceptibility testing and antibiotic potency measurements.
System Highlights
High resolution: The Biogenix has a 100 µm resolution.
No parallax error: The Biogenix exclusive screen-lens system avoids missing the
ends of the haloes through its unique perpendicular reading technology.
Clear display of results: Results a clearly featured in a digital display.
Salient Features :
Accurate method for determination the strength of antibiotic material
Micro processor based design
Average of vertical diameter & Horizontal diameter of inhibited zone.
Magnified image of inhibited zone is clearly visible on the prism
Calibration Facility.
Printout Facility.
Facility to Store 4 Zones (Optional 6 Zones)
IQ/OQ Documentation

Model BS-ZR-100
Magnification Factor 2.25
Measuring range 0–35 mm
Resolution 0.1 mm
Mains 100/240V 50/60Hz
Power 15W
Dimensions (W×D×H) 27×23×27 cm / 10.6×9.0×10.6 in
Weight 3 kg / 6.6 lb
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